7 Power Ideas To Control Time

Just stop bitching, moaning and complaining!
November 1, 2013
Ask and you shall receive
November 20, 2013

Set priorities for each day by writing down the 5 most important things to do that day.  Completing 5 “do do’s” each day will focus your time.

  1. Set out your diary a week in advance, predetermining activities, personal and social events.
  2. Don’t be afraid to delegate but have a system of following up on the delegated work.
  3. Say “no”.  If you find it difficult to say no, chances are you are spreading yourself too thin.  Decide what you “want or must” do and simply say NO
  4. Procrastination is probably the biggest time waster.  Try and live by the DO IT NOW philosophy and do all those nasty little tasks first.
  5. Stop paper shuffling and…..touch every piece of paper once.
  6. If you earn an average of R50 000 a year, 20 minutes extra a day equals R2 043 per year if “workly” invested.
  7. Join the 6 am club and if already a member, graduate to the 5 am club.  Yes, that means waking up earlier every day and investing that time into a specific, meaningful purpose.  By adding an hour a day to our lives we will accomplish more.


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